Friday 10 January 2014

When Life Gives You Lemmons

See what I did there? I'm headed to Tucson today, home of Mt Lemmon. It's been a bit of a whirlwind year so far, mostly to do with pacing up my stuff and moving it to RI, quitting my day job, getting ready to start another job, getting ready for my first (of probably a few this year - Clen positives 'r' us!) trip to China, and now getting ready for this trip.

I'm staying at The Cycling House, which looks super swank. Weather fx is all great news. The bad news is that one of my ever-dependably-and-yet-colossally-unfortunately-timed sinus infection/strep throat deals is afoot. Should have gotten my tonsils pulled before I went to the high deductible individual health insurance. Merde.

As bereft as this post is of pictures, I'll plan to post a bunch throughout the week. Flight out today, fly home in a week.


DRRW said...

Gargling with good old fashioned antiseptic mouthwash everyday is a must. Walmart sells it, brown, eucalpytus and menthol and alcohol - it works!

Happy travels...

Dave K said...

Thanks I'll try it. I'm a mouthwasher but not a gargler