Friday 18 September 2009


My bartape lasted from Walkersville until today.

It was pretty filthy on Sunday. Then I rode Belgian style (in the rain and muck) on Tuesday and it went
to plaid on the nasty scale. When I got off the bike Wednesday, the bartape had made my hands dirty.

We're visiting the in laws this weekend. There are lots of bike shops around here. I went to the one (Cycles 54) that's sponsoring Sundays race, bought the tape (fizik), picked up my race number for Sunday (sweet), started talking to the guy, and he knows Jay.

Who doesn't know Jay?


Sigberto Garcia said...

So a while ago on the 4/5 list I told folks that I had red Fiziik Microtex tape for whoever wants it... well nobody wanted it so I still have it if you want to keep it in reserves... it doesn't match my bike whatsoever.

Chuck Wagon said...

Thanks. I'll take it.