Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Oh The Humanity

The Flamenco Chuckwagon is devastated to report that the Purina Chuckwagon, the very inspiration for this wagon, has been involved in an horrific accident. Details at The Onion: http://www.theonion.com/content/node/29638

Here is the route profile of Sunday's ride. For those who can't believe how stupid low my HR is, our average speed for this ride was a bump over 18, and my average HR was 119. This profile only shows about 60 miles, but my pedometer read the lowest mileage of the group (must be all those clean lines I draw through the corners...) and I was at 72.

The FPG and I are off to the east side of Europe for a little while. Prague, Vienna and Budapest. Highlights to follow.

Still no Powertap. To quote the inimitable Inigo Montoya - "I hate waiting."

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