Sometimes life blows. Like when three or so weeks of work gets destroyed and $100,000 worth of elevator electrical panels blow up because a pro-fit (tm) fitting decides, after having hot water roll through it for 6 weeks, decides to blow up. If my labor foreman were not such an unbelievable stud, we would have had SeaWorld (tm) in the courtyard of the hotel yesterday. As it was, we get to continue to work on the stuff moving forward, while moving backward like bastards to rip out all the wet and demo'd stuff, then get all that stuff put back together so the hotel can open on February 12. THAT'S SO SUPER!!!
16 people showed up for the ride I was supposed to host out in Marshall today, which is mint. It's great that so many people on the team are into it. There are those who'll say "yeah, but there's 9000 people on NCVC so what's 16?" The deal is that there really aren't that many people who are that actively involved, and getting so many people to go an hour plus away to go do a brutally hard ride in balls cold weather is a good thing. Of course the lame part was that I had to oversee the rain forest today, so couldn't be there. From what I heard it was so cold out there that maybe I got off easy.
The MABRA season for all intents and purposes is over sometime in June. Wouldn't it be great if there was some awesome group of events that got scored as a series and gave people something to really get psyched up for from mid July through early August? I think that would be really fun. It's a shame to do all of the training that we're all now starting to do only to start racing at Jeff Cup in late March and be done at Reston a little more than two months later. What's the point of having your off season training be longer than your racing season? I think some innovative group of people should really make this happen, incorporating some existing events and also some new stuff.
Wouldn't that be great? Don't you think it would be awesome?
It's going to be super nuts cold tomorrow but I'm going to be a hard guy. Cuz that's how I rolls.
I agree with the MABRA comment totally. They really need to do something. A season that lasts until September is a good start. That points idea you mention was used to great success back when I lived and raced in PA. It kept everyone interested.
Ouch. Hate it when I hear stories from the field like that. When we screw up we either do it before the job gets bid or it's discovered as the job is underway, afer the contract is signed. Revise drawings in the former, change orders in the latter. Either way it's no fun, but at least materials don't take the hit, and it's rare that we get wet...
Although there's just 2 events in July, this year there's going to be the revival of the full Tour de Toona probably last week of July, plus there's the Fitchburg stage race during 4th of July weekend, although I guess not a lot of ppl from around here do that one. There's probably some stuff going on in PA which is not MABRA, but close enough. There isn't much in August though, that's for sure.
it's time for the locs who are currently talking, training and acting like pros (now in Dec! which isn't really a bad thing) to step up and complete the picture - race a full season - stretch that bitch out! - pacing.....
Give em an event and a format and hope they come
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